Post by SBH"A butt-end to somebody's face at any time is pretty gutless," Turco said.
"Just sticking your knob out there is a dangerous play.
"It's something our game doesn't need if that did happen."
First of all, I didn't realize Osgood had such a big knob. I bet his wife is
happy. But seriously, it's not ok for another goalie to take a poke at the
opposing player, but it's ok for Turco to trip Filppula while he was skating
backward, which could cause some serious back problems, or it's ok to slash
Holmstrom or hit the back of his head while in front of the net. Turco is a
fucking hypocrite. He's a dirtier player than most.
He certainly is, but that doesn't excuse Osgood's action as anything
other than dirty.
In hockey, there are certain plays that are dirtier than others and
have no place in the general flow of play. Butt-ending, spearing,
sticks to the back of the knees, etc. are generally more egregious
than running/tripping/hitting a player, because the former fouls are
ones in which players have almost no way to protect themselves, and
they very rarely happen in the course of a game. For example, if you
run me with your elbows held high - face to face - I have a pretty
good chance of protecting myself, and this is generally accepted as
something that happens during a game. This is why hits from behind
have gotten so much attention over the past few years, for example.
But, butt-ending, spearing, etc. - these are the most 'pussy' of fouls
out there.
Osgood did something dirty - and yes, it's dirtier than a trip or a
push in the back. No big deal. Just call it what it is.
I completely agree with you on Turco though. He's a hack out there,
and a dirty goddamn player. I'd love the NHL to go back to the way it
was in the 1980s, when a goaltender left his crease to play the puck,
he was then considered just another player, and he could be checked at
will just like any other player. We'd just then see how free Turco
would be with his, I mean stick.